So we have had the first week of classes. The children were very enthusiastic and we had great fun.
In the first class we started the workbook, completing the two pages. The children were then asked to vote on who they wanted as their class mascot; Winnie the Poo or Eeyore. Eeyore was chosen with 10 votes to Poos 9, very close!!
We then started to act out the morning routine with the key words:
Wake up (despertarse)
Get up (levantarse)
Get dressed (vestirse)
Eat breakfast (desayunar)
Brush your teeth (cepillarse los dientes)
In our second class we watched two episodes of Peppa Pig, each child was asked a question during the episode, for example "what colour is George´s t-shirt", "what animal is Peppa´s best friend".
We then reviewed the numbers that we learnt last year (1-10) followed up by Lecky´s numbers game:
Finally we repeated the morning routine scenario from the other day and explained to the children where Eeyore would be spending the weekend.